Before you start making your page, you may want to surf many web pages to see what you like and don't like about each. Then you'll begin to have a concept of what you would like your content to look like. Through out this document you will be editing the black text of the html code. The dark blue will always be the html code, and will never change. The green color will be the explanations of the html code. Below are the nessary parts of every web page. You will need to add the code listed below in the beginning of every web page that you make. Put the Title Here Explanation: Notice the and and the top and bottom. These tell you that everything in between will be shown on the web page. It begins and ends the web page content. When you add a tag you always have to close it off with the ending. (Usually the same as the start, but with a "/" before the letters) •The and just tell your browser it's at the heading of the page. The "information" like title is contained here. •Between the and is where you configure the text you want to appear for the window name on the browser. (This window's name is "Extreme Mac's HTML Tricks v2.0) •The is where you configure the background color of your page, the background image (if you want one), the text color, the color of a link, and the color of an already viewed link. If you don't want an image as a background, omit the background="imagelocation.gif". To see the code combination of the colors you can use, click on each color below. Note only the "Background = #colorid" . I'll explain the font color later on. Example: If you want to make your background black you would edit this part